Psychological characteristics of personality, which encounters positive or negative consequences of procrastination
procrastination; consequences; positive; negative; personal; interpersonal; socialAbstract
The article examines scientific approaches to the study of personal procrastination and its consequences, as well as presents an empirical study on these issues.
Summarizing views on the nature of procrastination in various research approaches, it was found: most researchers emphasize the negative consequences of procrastination in defining procrastination, but there are data on the possibility of a productive effect of this phenomenon.
A separate classification of the consequences of personal procrastination is provided: 1) personal; 2) interpersonal; 3) social. The procrastinator has a negative attitude towards himself, towards important activities and a strategy «from people» with a great desire for selfaffirmation and success.
Only in the personality of the procrastinator, who is faced with the positive consequences of procrastination, a positive attitude towards others and the surrounding reality (the desire to be useful to
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