Perceptions of the married couple about family roles


  • E. Skvorchevska Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin



family; family relations; married couple; marriage; family roles; role expectations; marriage satisfaction


The article reveals the features of the representation of a married couple about family roles. The relevance of the topic, because the choice of a spouse is an important stage in the life of an individual. In marriage, there is a transformation of ideas about family roles. The role structure of the family prescribes to family members what, how, when and in what sequence they should do when entering into relationships with each other. The uncertainty of the norms governing family roles poses a number of socio-psychological problems for the family related to the problem of «choosing» by each family the method of role interaction and the formation of the attitude of family members to different aspects of role behavior in the family. Satisfaction with marriage in married life is associated with many factors: the length of married life, the main motive for marriage, the number of children. The feeling of satisfaction-dissatisfaction with marriage forms the attitude to different spheres of life. It was found that there are differences in the role expectations and claims in marriage for women and men. In women, the emotionalpsychotherapeutic and parent-educational sphere dominates, and in men – social activity. It has been determined that the majority of women are dominated by significant satisfaction with marriage, while men have partial satisfaction with marriage. Relationships with each other bring joy and pleasure. It was revealed that in the majority of married couples, the spouse is responsible for raising children, organizing a family subculture, the role of a «mistress», and the husband is responsible for the financial support of the family. Both partners are responsible for the emotional climate in the family, sexual relations and the organization of entertainment.

Author Biography

E. Skvorchevska, Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin

Candidate of psychology, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Скворчевська, Є. 2023. Perceptions of the married couple about family roles. Bulletin of Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University. Series «Psychological sciences». (Oct. 2023), 87-93. DOI:



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