Use of personality psychotherapy methods in working with psychological trauma


  • I. Kalashnyk Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Cherkasy National University



psychocorrective methods; projective methods; deep psychological knowledge; systemic characteristics of the psyche


The article analyzes the problem of using psychocorrective methods in psychology. It has been proven that art is a reflection of the inner state of the author, it contributes to the knowledge of the content of the unconscious. Art is a catalyst for expressing inner experiences and traumatic feelings. The article emphasizes that the artistic product is a reflection of the inner world of the author, and the image has a «personal meaning», which can be decoded by the artist himself or a specialist.
The article focuses on the effectiveness of the psychoanalytical use of projective methods that allow objectifying the systemic characteristics of the psyche. Emphasis is placed on the role of psychological trauma in the life of the individual and its connection with the worldview of the individual.
The use of creative methods of personal self-expression contributes to the channeling of the disclosure of traumatic centers. It was established that metaphorical means of expression allow the subject to reveal those feelings that are unconscious and blocked by psychological defenses.
It has been established that the formalized way of knowing the psyche can cause distortion of the received information. Important in the psychoanalytic application of creative methods is the compliance with the diagnostic procedure and the specialist’s methodological understanding of his own activity.

Author Biography

I. Kalashnyk, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Cherkasy National University

Candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor


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Theoretical and practical research in psychological rehabilitation