The influence of art therapy on the psycho–emotional state of elderly people
art-therapy; elderly people; psycho-emotional stateAbstract
The study indicates the specifics of the impact of art therapy on the psycho-emotional state of elderly people. In particular, the main approaches to providing psychological assistance to the elderly people in Ukraine, in accordance with legislative documents, are highlighted. In the above context, the urgent task facing psychological service specialists in social service institutions is the search and application of safe and effective methods of supporting vulnerable population groups in the direction of improving the quality of life and socialization. In general, the organization of psychological support for elderly people in the direction of optimizing their psycho-emotional state is a very relevant issue in the field of gerontology and personality psychology, because only in 2020 in Ukraine they began to actively implement the culture of leading an active lifestyle among elderly people within the framework of the «University of the Third Age» program. As a result, the question of developing a methodological basis for teaching and supporting persons of the above category has arisen among scientists. The results of the study highlight the effectiveness of the influence of art-therapeutic techniques on the psycho-emotional state of the elderly, namely the reduction of anxiety and the optimization of psychological stability. This indicates the overall positive impact of creative activity on the quality of life of vulnerable population groups.
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