Relationship between character accentations and communicative institutions in higher education students


  • N. Afanasieva Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics



character accentuations; communicative attitudes; higher education seekers; communicative competence


The article presents the results of a study of the relationship between character accentuations and communicative attitudes in higher education. Theoretical approaches to understanding the phenomena of «character accentuation» and «communicative attitude» in modern psychology are analyzed. The study of types of accentuations showed that in higher education seekers the most pronounced are dysthymic, emotional, anxious, cyclothymic and exalted accentuations of character; least pronounced - hyperthymic, demonstrative and meticulous character accentuations. The study of communicative attitudes of higher education students revealed the highest indicators on the scales «Grumbling» and «Negative experience of communicating with others»; the smallest - on the scale of «Open cruelty to people».
A study of the relationship between the type of accentuation and communicative attitudes showed a correlation between veiled cruelty to people and dysthymic accentuations of character. Open cruelty to people and hyperthymic, emotional, anxious, cyclothymic, excitable and dysthymic accentuations (direct and inverse correlation). Substantiated negativism and demonstrative, dysthymic types of accentuation (direct and feedback). Grumbling and hyperthymic, pedantic, anxious, demonstrative, dysthymic accentuations of character (direct and feedback). Negative communication experiences and hyperthymic, anxious, demonstrative, dysthymic accentuations of character (direct and feedback). Thus, the study allows us to state that the accentuation of character significantly affects the communicative attitudes of the individual. Determining the emphasis on the nature of the higher education seeker will predict how he will behave in the process of interpersonal interaction, what are the internal attitudes in communication. Such knowledge can help optimize the communication process and joint activities of higher education seekers.

Author Biography

N. Afanasieva, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Social Economics


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