Formation of self-concept of personality: structure and stages of development
Self-concept, personality, representation, structure of self-concept, stages of development of self-concept, age periodsAbstract
The article examines the development of the self-concept, which is a key element of self-awareness and personality development. The relevance of the research is determined by the rapid socio-economic and cultural changes, as well as the challenging circumstances in modern conditions, which require constant adaptation from individuals. The self-concept becomes an important tool for effective interaction with reality.
The paper analyzes the structure of the self-concept, which consists of cognitive, emotional-evaluative, and behavioral components. The cognitive element corresponds to the self-image and the individual’s perception of themselves. The emotional-evaluative component represents self-esteem, the emotional attitude toward beliefs, and a set of evaluative characteristics and experiences regarding these evaluations. The behavioral component is expressed through actions and behaviors as a response to certain events in life, as the self-concept accompanies a person’s activity and regulates behavior by providing standards, norms, and behavior patterns in daily life.
Additionally, the article explores the stages of self-concept formation. It is noted that self-concept evolves and transforms at different stages of development, largely influenced by the social environment, upbringing, and personal experience. Special attention is given to adolescence, a period when self-esteem, self-determination, and social identity are formed, all of which are critical components in personality development. During this phase, significant changes in the self-concept are observed, often accompanied by crises of self-perception, particularly in the context of physical appearance and self-esteem.
Thus, the formation of self-concept goes through several key stages: childhood (the formation of basic self-perceptions), adolescence (active formation of self-esteem and social identity), and youth and adulthood (when a stable and integrated self-concept is established). It is noted that this process is not linear and may include crisis moments, reevaluation, and changes during later life stages.
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