Self-actualization of personality as a psychological phenomenon


  • Iryna Cherkashyna Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University



self-actualization, loneliness, self-acceptance, personality development, self-regulation, maturity, integration to changes


The article analyzes the research of scientists, the phenomenon of self-actualization as a factor of self-realization of an individual, and the psychological features of experiencing loneliness of an individual. This is a process that results in a systemic transformation of the personality. The development of the behavior of a mature personality is characterized by a more generalized self-awareness, adequate self-esteem, the ability to regulate one's actions not only under the influence of circumstances, but also independently, the emergence of a more general and time-remote goal, the emergence of internal incentives that regulate activity, the formation of needs for self-creation as one . from manifestations of self-activity.
The problem of self-actualization of the individual becomes a fundamental problem of human existence, because thanks to this process, the individual is brought to society, reveals himself in it in a harmonious and balanced way, realizing the possibilities of the development of his "I". The term "self-actualization" (Self-actualisation) comes from the word "actualisation", which means "transition from a state of possibility to a state of reality".
In foreign psychological science, the concept of self-realization of the individual developed mainly within the limits of the humanistic approach. In his context, the personality is perceived as a unique, integrated system, which has an "open possibility" of self-actualization, inherent only to a person. It should be noted that in humanistic psychology, the concept of self-actualization is synonymous with self-realization, in connection with which it is worth noting some difference. Realization, as part of the concept of "self-realization", primarily provides awareness, cognitive activity. Self-actualization is, in fact, the very desire of a person to more fully reveal and develop his personal capabilities. This is not only the result, but also the very process of the embodiment of the powerful individual's abilities, the movement of which goes up the pyramid of needs from basic to the satisfaction of higher needs. Self-actualization implies duration, constant involvement in the process of growth and development of abilities to the maximum possible level. A person in the process of self-actualization has good psychological health. Her basic needs are satisfied, so she is driven by higher-order motives and strives for growth.

Author Biography

Iryna Cherkashyna , Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

master's degree; specialty 053 "Psychology"


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How to Cite

Черкашина , І.В. 2024. Self-actualization of personality as a psychological phenomenon. Bulletin of Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University. Series «Psychological sciences». (Nov. 2024), 18-27. DOI:



Psychology of modern human development