Formation of the professional competence of future psychologists at the stage of their training in the university
professional training, future psychologists, professional competence, personality resources, psychological systemAbstract
The article is devoted to the topical issue of professional training of future psychologists in the conditions of modern society. The theoretical analysis of the problem of professional competence in domestic scientific research is carried out. The essence of the concept is revealed in the psychological aspect, namely as a psychological system that helps to effectively perform professional activities, as a set of internal and external resources that are actualized in the process of solving a problematic task; as internal potentials that manifest themselves in situations that contradict the previous experience of a person; as a quality of personality that develops in conditions of constant change. The author defines professional competence as a product of learning outcome assessment that does not directly follow from it, but rather is a consequence of the self-development of a future specialist, not so much a technological component as a result of personal growth, a consequence of self-organization and generalization of personal experience. The main property of professional competence is the possibility of its development - its content, structure, components, potential internal formations are constantly changing, depending on the client's request, the challenges of modern society, and the relevance of knowledge.
The priority directions of professional training of future psychologists as competent specialists in the future are proposed: competence-based approach in professional training - the main emphasis is on practice-oriented training and personal elaboration of their own intrapersonal contradictions; interaction between teacher and student, the teacher acts as a "navigator" in solving professional problems; focus on "lifelong learning"; computerization and digitalization of educational space; self-organization of educational space; variations in the education.
The theoretical analysis of the specified problem made it possible to establish such a feature of the professional competence of future psychologists that, being a product and result of training, does not directly flow from it, but is rather a consequence of the self-development of the future specialist, not so much a technological component as a result of personal growth, a consequence of self-organization and generalization of activity and personal experience.
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