The effect of war on the psychological state of pregnant women
mental state, psychological health, symptoms, pregnant woman, consequences of warAbstract
The article focuses on the psychological health of pregnant women, which is an important aspect and affects the future of the child, especially in wartime conditions. Pregnant women face increased levels of stress and anxiety, which can lead to serious mental and physical complications. War adds a host of challenges to this, including danger to life, loss of loved ones, destruction of infrastructure and disruption of social ties. This can lead to depressive disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and elevated cortisol levels, which increase the risk of premature birth and low birth weight babies.
The study of the impact of war on the mental state of pregnant women is becoming more and more relevant, given the increase in the number of armed conflicts. The first studies in this direction were conducted in the context of world wars and armed conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc. They showed that pregnant women exposed to war are more likely to experience symptoms of depression, anxiety disorders and PTSD. However, there is a lack of systematic studies that would take into account the long-term effects of war on the mental health of pregnant women and their children.
It is especially important to develop effective methods of psychological support for pregnant women in conflict zones, taking into account individual characteristics and the level of stress resistance. Special assistance programs should include individual and group therapy sessions, as well as medical assistance aimed at reducing risks to the health of the mother and child. Prospects for further research include the creation of such programs, as well as the study of the impact of war on the development of children born during conflicts, and the improvement of existing methods of psychological assistance.
In general, the impact of war on the psychological state of pregnant women is an extremely serious problem that requires further research and the development of appropriate strategies for psychological support and medical care.
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