Peculiarities of forced migration as a type of loss
socio-psychological adaptation, forced migration, migrant, lossAbstract
The article deals with the peculiarities of the psycho-emotional state of persons who faced forced migration during the war, describes the determinants of complicated adaptation in the process of migration, substantiates the reactions of loss and the peculiarities of their course in persons experiencing the process of migration, analyzes the possibilities of improving socio-psychological adaptation through understanding the process of migration as a loss.
In the course of a full-scale war, the issues of forced migration and social and psychological adaptation become extremely urgent. According to international organizations, millions of people in Ukraine were forced to leave their homes. Internal migration and refugees cause complicated adaptation processes, as most displaced people experience displacement as a loss. The unpredictable nature of migration caused by traumatic events complicates adaptation, and psychological trauma deepens this process.
Forced migration is not just a change of place of residence, but also the loss of a sense of security, socio-cultural environment, as well as loved ones. Changes, especially physical and social, create anxiety, stress and can lead to psychological problems. Researchers such as L. Didkovska and A. Didkovskii characterize emigration as an extreme event that disrupts the usual environment and acculturation.
People who are forced to migrate often experience phases of grief that include denial, anger, depression, and acceptance. The loss of a significant object, in particular a home or a usual way of life, affects the psychological state and can cause post-traumatic stress disorder. An important factor influencing adaptation is the support of the social environment, which is often lost due to migration.
Among the challenges displaced people face is a sense of guilt towards those who remain in danger, as well as a reluctance to integrate into the new environment, which deepens isolation. The prospects of research consist in the development of effective programs of social and psychological adaptation, which will help reduce the level of stress and increase the quality of life of forced migrants.
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