Research of psycho-emotional states and transformations of the value sphere of personality in deoccupied territories
psychological support, rehabilitation program, art therapy, psychodiagnostics, de-occupied territoriesAbstract
The article is devoted to the research conducted in the de-occupied territory of Ukraine, namely in Gusarivska and Balakliia communities of Kharkiv region, where children experienced traumatic experience during the fighting and occupation of the invader.. A factor analysis was conducted on the basis of design methods and the following factors were identified: self-esteem, egocentrism, verbal aggression, experiences, fear and anxiety. To identify more significant discrepancies, the VARIMAX factor structure was rotated with Kaiser normalization. Considering the components, it was proposed to pay attention during psychotherapy to the emotional sphere, the «I-concept,» the value-semantic and motivational sphere of the individual.. A psychotherapeutic program for working with children in de-occupied territories was proposed and a diagnostic apparatus was provided. The use of project methods as one of the effective methods of diagnosis in childhood, the use of individual conversations, empathic listening, and the search for resource stories were proposed to the diagnostic apparatus. For psychotherapy, it was proposed to make a psychologically safe space, the use of arttherapeutic exercises to improve the psycho-emotional state, finding new strategies in overcoming stress and tension. Note that a group meeting plan was developed taking into account the physiological and psychological characteristics of young and middle-aged children. After repeated diagnostic measures, the participants revealed positive dynamics in the emotional sphere, an understanding of themselves, improved their attitude towards themselves and others. Such positive dynamics makes it possible to draw conclusions that systematic psychological assistance to children in de-occupied territories will be valuable and will have a positive response in the post-war period and after it.
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