Emotional stability of the personality in the conditions of war
emotional stability, psychological dimension of war, stage of experiencing war, components of emotional stability, psychological supportAbstract
The article examines the concept of emotional stability of the individual in the conditions of war. Emotional stability is defined as an integrative personality quality that ensures the most optimal successful achievement of activity goals in a complex emotional environment. The emotional stability of a person in the conditions of war is characterized as the ability to withstand difficult trials, to be aware of one’s emotional states, to experience them adequately and productively, and to be able to self-recover. The main substructural components of the emotional stability of a person are determined. These include psychophysiological, emotional-volitional, cognitivereflexive, adaptive and social-perceptive. The main challenges for the individual in the conditions of war are analyzed. The psychological dimension of war is revealed and the stages of its experience are considered through the prism of life changes and stages of experiencing grief: denial, anger, aggression, bargaining, depression, acceptance. The dynamics of emotional stability in war conditions are defined, which corresponds to the stages of war experience and includes the following stages: stress, emotional instability and adaptation to new realities of life. Practical recommendations for psychological support of emotional stability of the individual in the conditions of war have been developed and proposed.
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