Comparative characteristics of the psychological state of ukrainians in Ukraine and Lithuania
psychosocial impact, war, forced displacement, Ukrainians, refugees, Lithuania, personal anxiety, reactive anxiety, positive mental health, resilience, psychological support, adaptive strategies, traumatic events, social support programsAbstract
This study investigates the psychosocial effects of war and forced displacement on Ukrainians, comparing the experiences of those residing in Ukraine with Ukrainian refugees in Lithuania. Utilizing standardized psychological indicators, including personal anxiety, reactive anxiety, and positive mental health, the research establishes significant differences between the two groups. Ukrainian refugees exhibit higher levels of personal and reactive anxiety, suggesting increased stress associated with adapting to a new environment. Despite facing challenging circumstances, both groups maintain an average level of positive mental health, emphasizing their resilience. The findings underscore the complexity of the situation and highlight the critical need for comprehensive psychological support for both refugees and the population in Ukraine, with potential implications for the development of targeted interventions and long-term support strategies. Further research avenues include exploring adaptive strategies, examining the impact of traumatic events on children, and developing social support programs to enhance psychological well-being in the context of conflict and displacement.
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