Features of self-regulation of higher education acquires with different levels of subjective well-being
subjective well-being, self-regulation, students of higher educationAbstract
The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis and an empirical study of the features of self-regulation of students of higher education with different levels of subjective well-being. It was determined that the subjective well-being of an individual depends on external and internal factors. Among the external factors, the peculiarities of the economic, political, ecological, cultural, social situation in the country, that is, the level of general well-being of society as a whole, are distinguished. Among the internal factors - a person’s emotional and cognitive assessment of his own achievements and prospects. Individuals who are able to set goals and achieve their realization show a higher level of subjective well-being. The purpose of the article is to highlight the results of the study of the peculiarities of self-regulation of higher education students with different levels of subjective well-being. Determining the level of subjective well-being of the subjects showed that 38.2 % of the interviewed higher education students have a high level of subjective well-being, and 29.3 % have a low level of subjective well-being. The study of the characteristics of the autonomy of higher education students with different levels of subjective well-being showed that the autonomous type of self-regulation of activity prevails in persons with a high level of subjective well-being, and the dependent type prevails in those studied with a low level of subjective well-being. The study of the structure of self-regulation of students of higher education with different levels of subjective well-being allows us to state that the indicators of self-regulation of the subjects differ significantly. Statistically significant differences were found on all scales. The self-regulation of higher education students with a high level of subjective well-being is more perfect than that of students with a low level of subjective well-being. Thus, it can be argued that individuals with different levels of subjective well-being have differences in self-regulation of activities, distribution of responsibility for activities and behavior, motivational components of activities, level of independence in decision-making and planning of life activities. The degree of mutual influence of the level of subjective well-being and self-regulation of the individual requires additional research.
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