Tolerance to the queer community in ukrainian society
gender identity, queer, value orientations, toleranceAbstract
The modern world cannot be and is not absolutely homogeneous. The destruction of our usual ties contributes to the identity crisis, the consequence of which is aggressiveness, which manifests itself at various levels. It is tolerance that is a necessary condition for the development of modern society. Its formation takes place in the dimensions of civilization and culture.
The formation of a tolerant attitude towards others takes place in the dimensions of civility and culture, tolerant or intolerant behavior is largely influenced by personal patterns created individually by each person and reflect the real contradictions of social development.
On December 12, 1991, criminal punishment for «manhood» was abolished in Ukraine, which led to the emergence of various legal groups of LGBT minorities. Recently, the topic of same-sex relations in Ukraine has become more and more relevant among young people, despite the conservative views of the older generation, so this actualizes the problem and longer scientific investigations.
The purpose of the research is to study the peculiarities of tolerance towards the queer community in modern Ukrainian society. The specifics of the attitude towards the queer community of the civilian population and the military are revealed; the peculiarities of their tolerance and value orientations were analyzed; the obtained research conclusions are implemented in practice.
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