The problem of determining personal professional resourcefulness in the psychological scientific paradigm
professional resourcefulness, professional development, personal resourcefulness, resource, professional, professionalismAbstract
Globalization processes, technologization, and computerization of production are leading to fundamental changes in the employment system and workforce sustainability, increasing the demands on young professionals, and heightening competition in the labour market. In Ukraine, these processes have been significantly impacted over the last three years by russia’s full-scale military aggression, which has caused a massive outflow of promising young specialists and experienced professionals abroad. This has led to an imbalance between job vacancies and potential workers. Additionally, the country's economic problems are negatively affecting the balance between the availability of decent wages and the ambitions and expectations of young professionals. All of these trends highlight the need to develop a concept of professional resourcefulness, which requires defining the content and essence of this proposed concept.
An analysis of scientific papers over the last ten years on the issues of professional formation, development, and self-actualization shows that researchers predominantly use the terms "personal" and/or "psychological resourcefulness" to study the specifics of the resource support for these processes. In our view, this specialized field of psychological scientific knowledge (labour psychology, career counselling, psychology of professional development) requires the introduction of a more precise term that better reflects the specifics of the professional resources (both internal and external) used in various professional activities. In this paper, we attempt to define the concept of "professional resourcefulness," justify its specialization and importance for psychological scientific discourse, and lay the groundwork for further development of the concept of the structure of this phenomenon.
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