Gender features of color perception




color, gender, perception, psychological gender, semantics


The article examines the psychophysiological aspects of color perception. It was found that color perception is a complex psychophysiological process that depends on numerous factors, including biological characteristics, sociocultural context and individual experience.
Research into gender differences in color perception is a relatively new area of research, but the results obtained already indicate that men and women may have different color preferences, associations and emotional reactions to colors. Gender-based differences in color perception are influenced by biological factors, such as hormone levels and retinal structure, as well as sociocultural factors, such as stereotypes, expectations, and cultural norms.
Gender differences in color perception are not absolute and can change over time under the influence of various factors. In addition, there are men and women who do not fit these stereotypes or show the opposite result from the majority of respondents in research.
Research on gender differences in color perception has practical importance for various fields, such as design, marketing, and psychology. Understanding gender differences in color perception can help designers create products and spaces that are more attractive to men and women. Marketers can use knowledge of gender differences in color perception to develop more effective marketing campaigns that are better perceived by their target audience. Psychologists can use knowledge about gender differences in color perception to develop more effective methods of psychotherapy and counseling (in particular, art therapy, color therapy, etc.).
Studying gender differences in color perception helps to better understand how men and women perceive the world, how they process information and make decisions, what similarities or contradictions exist in the neuropsychological mechanisms underlying the connection between gender and color. How upbringing, in particular, its gender aspects, affect the peculiarities of color perception and their place in the lives of people with different gender identities.

Author Biographies

Yulia Korotsinskaya , Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

старший викладач кафедри загальної та соціальної психології

Oleksandra Kisilevych , Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

здобувачка 4 курсу СО Бакалавр спеціальності 053 «Психологія»


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How to Cite

Короцінська , Ю.А. and Кісілевич , О.П. 2025. Gender features of color perception. Bulletin of Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University. Series «Psychological sciences». (Jan. 2025), 51-61. DOI:



Problems of gender psychology