The use of the eastern Tai Chi Chuan health system in the rehabilitation patients with psychosomatic disorders
psychosomatic disorders, functional asymmetry of cerebral hemispheres, neurotic triad, supercontrol, depression, emotional lability, Tai Chi Chuan, psychological featuresAbstract
The article is dedicated to the psychosomatic disorders in women and their remedies. The article deals with the paradigm of body-oriented therapy of famous scientists of the world, in view of which the eastern health system of Tai Chi Chuan was used as rehabilitation. The purpose of the work was to confirm the positive impact of Chinese gymnastics Tai Chi Chuan on psychophysiological features of the body and reduction of psychosomatic disorders. Materials and methods. The experimental study involved 84 women with psychosomatic disorders aged 20 to 50 years. The following research methods were used: clinical, experimental-psychological, statistical. Results. The results of the study showed that, among women with psychosomatic disorders persons with dominance of the right cerebral hemisphere were predominate. The second place was occupied by women with a harmonious interaction of the cerebral hemispheres and the smallest weight was group of women dominated by the left cerebral hemisphere. Psychosomatic disorders in women are more likely to develop in individuals with right-brain dominance. They are characterized by a predominance in the psychological profile of personality traits inherent in the «neurotic triad» (supercontrol, depression, emotional lability). The use of the eastern Tai Chi Chuan health system results in a rather rapid harmonization of the cerebral hemispheres, a decrease in neurotic triad scales, and a reduction in neurotic and psychosomatic symptoms. Conclusions. The data obtained suggest that psychosomatic disorders can be promote by the dominance of the right cerebral hemisphere and character traits inherent in the «neurotic triad». The use of the eastern Tai Chi Chuan health system in the treatment of psychosomatic disorders leads to the harmonization of the cerebral hemispheres and the reduction of neurotic and psychosomatic symptoms.
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