Emotional exhaust and fatigue during war
emotional exhaustion, fatigue, apathy, irritability, information hygiene, psycho-emotional state, personal resourcesAbstract
The article is devoted to the topical topic of the psycho-emotional state of Ukrainians during the war. The impact of war on the emotional sphere of the personality is characterized. Based on theoretical analysis, it was established that the majority of Ukrainians experience emotional exhaustion and fatigue from war. Emotional exhaustion is defined as a state of emotional devastation, apathy and loss of physical, emotional and energy resources under the influence of war. Signs of emotional exhaustion of the personality during the war are identified: apathy, irritability, emotional swings and pessimistic mood; decreased intellectual productivity; the appearance of health problems, such as impaired vision, headache, back pain, etc. The following persons are included in the risk group: vulnerable people who react emotionally to events; empathetic individuals; people whose professional activities are closely related to events: police, State Emergency Service, military, journalists, diplomats, doctors, psychologists, volunteers, etc.; people who do not adhere to information hygiene. It was found that the causes of emotional exhaustion are as follows: fatigue from compassion, empathy, intense communication, constant memories, watching the news and excessive use of social networks. In order to prevent and overcome emotional exhaustion, recommendations were proposed: hygiene of the use of information resources, limiting the time spent on social networks, dosed communication with others, communication with family and friends, physical activity, adherence to the daily routine, healthy sleep and nutrition and the use of special exercises and techniques to determine the loss and acquisition of resources.
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Емоційне вигорання під час війни https://arpp.com.ua/articles/emotional-burnout-during-the-war/