Changes in the role competence of police officers in the period before and during the war


  • K. Mitchenko Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs



role competence; role repertoire; professional competence of a police officer


This article reveals the concept of role competence of a police officer. Role competence is defined as the ability of an individual to effectively own his psychological roles, to act as a full-fledged subject of these roles, to include role behavior in the process of his own life activity and life creativity. This makes it possible to solve various life problems.
Attention is focused on the dynamics of changes in the social aspect of the role potential of the individual of a law enforcement officerinpre-war and immediatewartime.When predicting the role repertoire, the totality of life roles of the individual, psychological features of the professional activity of the employees of the practical units of the police were taken into account. Based on the main tasks and powers of police officers according to the Law of Ukraine «On the National Police» and the staff list, the main professional roles of a police officer were determined.
An empirical study was conducted and the atrophy of roles that existed in the pre-war period was described, as well as the social roles that appeared during the war. The main social roles of policemen are defined as: policeman, partner, child, parent, student, volunteer, athlete, teacher, believer, sibling. The extensive variability of the role repertoire of apolice officer andtheflexibility ofroleperformance under the influence of crisis circumstances are analyzed. It is summarized that the role depth is more vividly traced in family roles, those related to the fulfillment of parental and children’s duties.

Author Biography

K. Mitchenko, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs

Senior lecturer of the department of humanitarian disciplines and psychology of police activity


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Psychological support of professional activity