Levels of female lonely experience


  • Olena Markivska State institution "Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky"




loneliness, experience of female loneliness, levels of experience of female loneliness, adequate reaction, inadequate reaction, psychological development, psychological degradation


The article presents an analysis and generalization of scientific literature and found that the experience of female loneliness in psychotraumatic situations can be expressed by an adequate or inadequate reaction, which can have a profound effect on the psychological and emotional well-being of a person. Experiencing loneliness is a universal human experience, but the ways of living it can differ significantly. An adequate experience of loneliness means that a person accepts his condition and sees in it opportunities for self-development.
This approach involves a positive attitude towards the time spent alone, using it for self-reflection, developing new skills and exploring one's interests. A person who adequately experiences loneliness is able to see temporary isolation as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery, and not as a negative or permanent state. In this case, loneliness can become a time for creativity, personal development and improvement. A person who adequately perceives loneliness usually maintains social connections, even if they are not frequent, and knows how to find support among friends, family, or communities of interest. She is able to independently cope with negative emotions, sees them as an opportunity for change and development, and uses this time to improve her quality of life. As for the inadequate experience of loneliness, it can be explained as a destructive attitude towards the state of isolation. A person may perceive loneliness as a sign of failure or inferiority, leading to feelings of hopelessness and emotional instability. Such an approach is accompanied by negative thoughts, self-blame and a decrease in self-esteem, which only worsens the situation. A person who inadequately experiences loneliness often isolates himself from society, avoids social contacts and feels fear of rejection or misunderstanding from others. This creates a vicious circle: the more she isolates herself, the more lonely she feels, which further worsens her psychological state. Such an experience can lead to depression, loss of interest in life and a sense of hopelessness.

Author Biography

Olena Markivska , State institution "Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky"

graduate student; specialty 053 "Psychology"


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How to Cite

Марківська , О.С. 2024. Levels of female lonely experience. Bulletin of Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University. Series «Psychological sciences». (Nov. 2024), 59-67. DOI:https://doi.org/10.31558/2786-8745.2024.1(4).6.



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