Features of the application of psychological rehabilitation in oncology





stigma, rehabilitation, oncology, social groups, psychotherapy, group therapy


The article is devoted to the problems of applying psychological rehabilitation measures for cancer patients. Cancer is one of the most dangerous and deadly types of diseases that cause significant changes in the psychology of patients. These changes, in turn, negatively affect their communication with loved ones and contribute to their displacement from the usual social environment and often lead to the loss of a place in significant social microgroups. Recent studies have paid increasing attention to the influence of the social environment on recovery and further support of the quality of life and adaptation of cancer patients to ordinary life. This adaptation is two-sided: changes in the mental state of the cancer patient and the influence of the social reference environment significant for him, which provides him with feedback in the process of personality development. Taking into account the context of the loss of some of such connections during the course of the disease, the stigmatization of cancer, the complexity of social adaptation and readaptation, a significant role in the recovery of patients lies in the field of psychological rehabilitation. Such rehabilitation should include both assistance in coping with mental disorders provoked by the disease, and strategies for psychological adaptation to the experience of the disease and the treatment process, as well as effective tools for readaptation to the social environment, restoration of connections, creation of new desirable social groups, and recreation of opportunities for further life development of the individual after the disease and even during the disease process. The problem of stigmatization of oncology (cancerophobia), rejection of patients in a difficult economic and social environment that accompanies a large-scale armed invasion and other similar problems, a decisive role in psychological rehabilitation can be assigned to deeper work with patients and preparing them to cope with the full range of difficulties that they encounter primarily in the social environment.

Author Biography

Natalia Lapshova , Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

кандидат психологічних наук, клінічний і соціальний психолог


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How to Cite

Лапшова , Н.С. 2025. Features of the application of psychological rehabilitation in oncology. Bulletin of Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University. Series «Psychological sciences». (Jan. 2025), 27-35. DOI:https://doi.org/10.31558/2786-8745.2024.2(5).3.



Current research in medical psychology and health psychology