The impact of war on the state of psychological health of business organization employees




psychological health, mental health, business workers, business organizations, stress, martial law


The article considers the concept of psychological health of business organization personnel, the criteria for its preservation in war conditions, the risks that threaten the psychological health of business employees. The results of an empirical study of the features of the manifestation of psychological health in business employees of different regions of Ukraine, depending on the proximity of the location to the combat zone, are presented.
Employees of medium and small business organizations, 73 men and women aged 25 to 45, participated in the study. The research used the following methods: «Positive mental health scale (PMH-SCALE)» (J. Lukat, J. Margraf, R. Lutz, W.M. Van Der Veld, & E.S. Becker) (adaptation of L M. Karamushki, O. V. Kredentser, K. V. Tereshchenko); «The mental health continuum - short form» (K. KIZ) (adaptation by E. L. Nosenko, A. G. Chetveryk-Burchak); «The modified BBC subjective well-being scale (BBC-SWB)» (P. Pontin, M. Schwannauer, S. Tai, & M. Kinderman) (adapted by L. M. Karamushka, K. V. Tereshchenko, O. V. Credentser); «Scale of negative impact of work» (D. Watson) (adapted by S. D. Maksimenko, O. M. Kokun, E. V. Topolov); «Index of organizational tension» (R.L. Kahn and others) (modified by L.M. Karamushka, K.V. Tereshchenko); «How is your organization developing?» (V. Siegert, L. Lang) (modified by L. M. Karamushka); «Individual model of psychological health» (IMPZ), developed by A. V. Kozlov; mathematical and statistical methods: Student's t-test, Fisher's φ-test. A comparative analysis of the psychological health of employees of business organizations living in regions of Ukraine with different levels of safety showed that employees who live and work in dangerous cities have a lower level of mental health, psychological well-being, ability to overcome difficulties, efficiency and productivity of life activities, instability of mental states, feel the negative impact of work more than workers from conditionally safe regions of Ukraine. Professionals who are in a relatively calm, stable environment care about the future of their own careers, have certain demands for promotion, etc. Residents of combat zones do not pay attention to these problems. For them, the problems associated with preserving physical health and even life are more relevant.

Author Biographies

Zhanna Sydorenko , Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

кандидат психологічних наук; доцент; доцент кафедри загальної та соціальної психології

Adalina Sysak , Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

магістр психології, Психолог онлайн медичного центру MENTAL CLINIC


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How to Cite

Сидоренко , Ж.В. and Сисак , А.В. 2025. The impact of war on the state of psychological health of business organization employees. Bulletin of Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University. Series «Psychological sciences». (Jan. 2025), 43-50. DOI:



Current research in medical psychology and health psychology